Crowd Sourced Projects Blog

Crowd sourcing is, in my opinion, one of the most unique ways that a picture can be made, or a story can be told. When a crowd sourced projects are completed, there is a little something there for everyone. In this TED Talk, I thought the coolest project that was shared was the Johnny Cash music video. This is an amazing way to immortalize one of the most influential singer, songwriters in history. Every frame of the video shows something about someone who looked up to him, making it a much more impactful music video. When people are participating in crowd sourcing projects without knowing what the final product is, there can be some pretty funny results. For example, the one-hundred-dollar bill that was split into a bunch of pieces and redrawn looked odd when it was all put together in the end. I was definitely able to tell what the image was, but it was distorted, probably due to some of the participants not following their instructions. In class I really enjoyed the crowd sourced video where all of the students drew a frame from the one shot video, and kind of wish we were doing that project. I have seen some other crowd sourced projects on YouTube, many of which were music videos such as the Johnny Cash one in the TED Talk video. I think the crowd sourced videos, pictures, and just art in general are some of the coolest ways that these things are made today. Different stories can be told in every frame or segment, that could not be told as easily if the projects had been done by one person. I am definitely going to be looking more into crowd sourced projects on my own time, they are so interesting, and I am excited to see the final product of our class’ project.


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